Parenting For A Peaceful Home – Making Mom’s Lives Easier! Meet Christina Louise…

“I was that troubled complex child that my parents just couldn’t get a handle on…they read the books, talked to doctors and experts but… they just couldn’t put their finger on it and it literally drove them insane. Today I’m here to give you the information I wished my parents had when I was growing up. This information is going to enable you to create more time in your schedule, more peace in your heart, more peace in your home and even more prosperity and wealth in your world.”

If you worry you’re not a “good enough” Mom, read this.

Let Go of Worry and Confidently Raise Kids Who Thrive In the World!

If you’ve tried it all—the blogs, the research, the expert advice, the “tough love,” the detachment parenting—but you’re still struggling with your child, you may be losing sleep. And hope.

Maybe you’re convinced you’re not a “good enough” mom. Maybe you feel lost.

Don’t despair, check this out:

My friend and colleague Christina Louise is hosting this incredible video series:

“Parenting for a Peaceful Home!” 

In this event, my dear friend, Christina Louise, brings together 20+ authors, teachers, healers, therapists, and parenting specialists (including me!) in holistic health, wealth consciousness, peaceful parenting techniques, creating healthy work/life balance, practical spirituality, and personal transformation to give you our very best tips on how to come back into alignment with what is authentic and true for you, the wise Momma that we know you are.

And it’s FREE!

Do you sometimes feel like you’re too hard on your child, and other times, too soft?

Parenting is hard, no doubt— but you can discover how to minimize parenting-related stress and crises, by learning how to create healthy boundaries, trust yourself, release blocks, and truly relate to your child.

Let’s face it: even Super Mom can use some help from time to time! And how many of us are really “Super Moms”? If you’re a normal, every day Momma who worries that you’re not being the best mom you can be, you’re SO not alone. Maybe you’re scared you’re not doing enough, and frustrated because what you are doing clearly isn’t working? Have you tried it all—the blogs, the research, the expert advice, the “tough love,” the detachment parenting—and you’re still struggling with your child?

In her complimentary online video series, Christina and her 20+ parenting experts give you tons of practical parenting support, so you can improve your relationship with yourself AND your child.

Are you in crisis with your child? If so, it’s so easy to become … lost. When you feel stressed all the time, you may feel like you just don’t know what to do anymore.

Take a deep breath: there IS something you can do (right now!) to start turning things around for you, your child, and your home.

If only parenting came with an instruction manual!

Well, now it does!

Take advantage of the FREE “Parenting for a Peaceful Home” online video series!

Join Us As We Learn How To Let Go of Worry and Confidently Raise Kids Who Thrive in the World

Trust me, my friend, Christina, and I, and I know exactly what you’re going through. Together we’ve worked with hundreds of Moms all over the world who have lost themselves and become THAT Mom—the one they vowed they’d never be! Now, we’re on a mission to help Moms everywhere finally find relief from parenting-related stresses and crises, by learning how to create healthy boundaries, trust yourself, release blocks, and truly relate to your unique child.

And that’s exactly why Christina created “Parenting for a Peaceful Home,” a FREE virtual event that brings together 20+ authors, teachers, healers, therapists, and parenting specialists (including me!) in holistic health, wealth consciousness, peaceful parenting techniques, creating healthy work/life balance, practical spirituality, and personal transformation to give you our very best tips on how you can come back to yourself, build resilience to handle the challenges, and parent by example.

And that’s why I was not only honoured, but humbled to be asked to be one of her featured guests. (Because let’s be honest: being a great parent isn’t about punishing your child. It’s about being in alignment with what you know in your heart, and authentic to yourself.)

Click here to sign up and join us as I share my own personal tips on how by teaching our children about money, we are actually setting ourselves up for more time and money freedom! No more kids hands in your wallets! (Don’t wait, seats are filling up fast!)

When you go to the link above and join us for this powerful, heart-led video series, you’ll see that this is NOT a “do this, don’t do that” type of parenting training!

While yes, you’ll receive a ton of practical information and tools, and thousands of dollars in valuable free resources delivered through this event, our focus is helping you, Mom get back into alignment with yourself so you can enjoy a more peaceful home life, naturally!

That’s why we’re also sharing our own personal, real-life stories about how the inner work we’ve done has helped us parent with peace and deepen our connection to our children.

Join us, and you’ll also:

  • Uncover the root causes of your child’s challenging behavior, so you can address the real issues at hand, instead of the “symptoms” (i.e. acting out, arguing, etc.).
  • Understand how to strengthen the bond between you and your child, so you close the distance and feel connected again.
  • Learn top strategies for creating a well-rounded, peaceful home that have nothing to do with dishing out ineffective punishments.
  • Discover practical ways to reduce your stress level—as a Mom and as a woman—so you can be your best self and enjoy your days.
  • And more!

Christina Louise is the perfect person to host this summit. As a child, she was abused because her parents didn’t know how to handle their emotions without punishment.

Their own insecurities and fears caused Christina Louise to grow up self-loathing, anxious and depressed.

But as an adult, Christina Louise made a choice: to break the hereditary chain of guilt, shame, and punishment, so she could end the cycle of abuse, ensuring her own children would never suffer the way she did. Today, her family is whole and healthy, and Christina Louise says that if they could thrive after everything they’ve been through, anyone else can too!

Christina Louise’s long road of personal transformation brought her to her true life purpose: to help other families by teaching parents how to connect to a Higher Power, release negative emotions and truly transform themselves from the inside out, so they can raise happy, healthy children, naturally.

Ready to take the first step toward your own peaceful home?

Sign up here now to join us:

I want you to know, I wholeheartedly believe in what Christina Louise is doing! She’s on a mission to help Moms move from crisis to peace, and I stand behind her 100 percent.

I can’t wait for you to join us!

Cheers…Amanda…Excited Life Enthusiast! :o)

P.S. When you attend “Parenting for a Peaceful Home”, for FREE, you can expect to get real tools to walk you through doing deep inner work in all areas of your life, so you come back to YOU, feel secure within yourself, and create the peaceful home you desire. It all starts here! Click here to sign up and join us:

It’s Time To Let Go of Worry and Confidently Raise Kids Who Thrive in the World!

P.S. “Listen I know adding another thing to do today is probably not like, oh yeah, I get to do that, but I promise you that this information is going to make a huge difference in your life and the lives of your children. It’s going to enable you to finally let go of this worry and this doubt. Know yourself as this strong, wise parent and parent your children by example so that they can grow up to thrive in the world and you have a healthy, happy family now and for the rest of your life. This information is going to make your life easier and it’s my gift to you and you can get it right here.” Christina Louise

Get Free Online Access and Free Gifts from our Compassionate Experts!
(VALUED AT $397) Click here to learn more about “Parenting for a Peaceful Home”!

P. P. S. Did you find this article helpful? If so, then please help me empower more kids, teens and their families by leaving me your own comments below and clicking the ‘like’ button and ‘sharing’ it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Thank-you for helping me empower more Healthy Wealth Mentality kiddos. We need them! 😀

“Together we can raise kids and teens who are money savvy and get to follow their dreams because they know how to handle and value their money…and not come back crawling home to mom and dad to get them out of financial trouble!”

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