A Silent Epidemic is Gripping Our Kids

On college campuses, staff is well aware of an overwhelming problem facing incoming students. A whopping 50% of college freshmen meet criteria for mental health diagnoses such as major depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, and chemical dependency. There are so many college students seeking counseling services that college counseling centers cannot meet the demand even though most students suffer silently without seeking help.

Few outside of college campuses are aware of this alarming trend.

There are lots of reasons that students are crumbling when faced with the rigors of college life: parents are doing too much for their kids; parents are giving kids too much stuff without asking for much in return; a child-centered culture creates a sense of entitlement rather than a hard work ethic; kids don’t have chores so they don’t know how to perform basic life skills; kids now have a mindset of learned helplessness rather than resilience; parents are coddling kids and not letting them experience disappointment; and parents aren’t consistently disciplining, to name a few reasons.

The bottom line is that teens don’t feel prepared for the responsibilities and independence of life away from home. Parents haven’t done their job in preparing children for the real world where a person must take initiative, be responsible and is held accountable for outcomes.

If this trend is to change, parents must make changes now so their children are prepared for college life and the work world.

Research also shows that MOST parents today feel like they’re failing at parenting –that they’re trying to do everything, and as a result, they’re not doing anything well.  Parents are feeling stretched thin, exhausted, and at their limit.  It doesn’t have to be this way, however. Parents just need practical tools they can use right away to begin to make the necessary, positive changes so their child can be successful.

To help parents gain the best strategies for turning this silent epidemic around, Toni Schutta, a Parent Coach and Licensed Psychologist with 17 years experience helping families find solutions that work, has developed The Ultimate Parenting Toolkit: Solutions to Your Top 10 Parenting Challenges. http://clickheretogetmore.info/about/the-ultimate-parenting-toolbox

The Ultimate Parenting Toolkit’ gives you the tools you need to solve your top 10 biggest parenting challenges including:

  • Getting your child to listen the first time
  • Creating a discipline plan that works
  • Stopping back talk and whining now
  • Reducing bedtime hassles and increasing valuable sleep time
  • Nixing meltdowns (your child’s and your own)
  • Teaching your child to cope with and conquer bullying
  • Reducing power struggles between you and your child and putting yourself back in charge
  • Getting relief from daily homework headaches
  • Winning the chore wars
  • Teaching your child the value of a buck

To ensure the success of your child, you just need practical tools and research-proven strategies to solve your parenting challenges and help raise responsible, capable young adults.

Now you can get all of that and more in “The Ultimate Parenting Toolkit: Solutions to Your Top 10 Parenting Problems.” http://clickheretogetmore.info/about/the-ultimate-parenting-toolbox

Article written by Toni Schutta, Parent Coach and Licensed Psychologist. For proven strategies on becoming the best parent you can be check out “The Ultimate Parenting Toolkit: Solutions to Your Top 10 Parenting Problems” at: http://clickheretogetmore.info/about/the-ultimate-parenting-toolbox.


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