Why Do We Need To Teach Our Kids About Money?

Today, I’m going to share with you:

The top 5 reasons parents want to teach their kids about money and how to overcome the BIGGEST challenge you may have along the way!

Okay, let’s get started right now!

Hi how are you doing? My name is Amanda. Welcome to Clever Dough Kids. If you’re new here and you’re a parent or grandparent who wants to make sure your kids grow up money savvy and ready to take on the life of their dreams (and stay out of your pocket) and other kids and money related stuff, then start now by clicking here to subscribe and make sure you click the notification bell so you don’t miss anything.

This is the first video in a the brand new Clever Dough Kids YouTube video series on how to raise your own money smart kid. I’ll put a link to where you can get 7 FREE gifts that will help you raise your own Clever Dough Kid below for you!

So what are the 5 main reasons that parents say they need to teach their kids about money?

I’ll tell you in just a moment and then I’ll also share my own personal reasons why I’m so passionate and determined to help you teach your child about money.

Okay, let’s dive right in: here are the top 5 reasons that other parents want to teach their kids about money…oh and make sure you stick around to the end of this video because don’t forget, I’m also going to share what the BIGGEST challenge may be for you with teaching children about money and how to overcome it!

Parent Reason #1:

“Because she thinks there is a never ending supply of money.” Jackie T.

I agree with you Jackie, many kids today, honestly believe that money just comes right out of the wall! They have no idea about the effort that is needed to actually  earn money!

Parent Reason #2:

“A healthy knowledge of money is a vital part of adulthood.  Many adults (young and old) struggle because they were not instructed yet merely floated through life to make things happen to pay bills, buy things, etc. Without a solid base and strategy about money this pattern can only be repeated with occasional variance.” Kristina E.

What Kristina referring to here, how we are role modeling our money skills to our kids, is an extremely important point. Hey if we weren’t taught how to be smart with our money, then how on earth can we expect our kids to be if we don’t make a change!

Parent Reason #3:

“Unfortunately money rules our society.”  Jean Kammer

Jean is absolutely right. As much as we would love to live in a society where money doesn’t matter, we don’t. So trying to teach our kids that money doesn’t matter, will actually only end up creating even more bad money habits in our kids. Sigh.

Parent Reason #4:

“Train them to be a good steward managing the money wisely.”  Coyan K.

Exactly Coyan! It’s one thing for our kids to know how to work hard for money, but it’s a totally different thing to know how to manage their money so their money works hard for them!

Parent Reason #5:

“I would like to teach children the difference between buying an asset, making their money work for them, as well as spending their money on something that creates lasting memories than spending their money on something that will be obsolete and meaningless later.” Chris Johnson

Yes, Chris, yes! You nailed it right on the head. We need to teach our kids the Value of Money, so they appreciate it and end up in charge of it rather than as a slave to money.

Okay, and now here are my personal reasons why I’m so passionate about helping you teach your child about money:


Yes, it’s true, financial stress is one of the BIGGEST marital problems that young couples face today. Raising your child to be smart with their money, and therefore making them more likely to choose a partner who is also smart with their money, could drastically reduce their chances of divorce due to financial stress!


I have heard that the biggest group of people today filing for bankruptcy are under the age of 30! We need to change this. Bankruptcy has a very strong impact on our psyche’s causing self-doubt and low self-worth. I know that’s not what we want for our kids.

Kids having to come crawling back home to mom and dad.

This has a negative effect on everyone! Our kids self-esteem plummets, and mom and dad’s wallets get emptied. You do eventually want to retire right?


I know that’s a BIG one! But unfortunately money stress is one of the main factors of suicide. Because money affects us in all aspects of our lives, it’s really hard to keep it separate. And the sad thing is, it’s totally unnecessary. When we teach our kids about money, raise truly money smart kids, then we reduce all the stresses that are related to money. Which gives our kids a much better chance at a happy and full life.

Okay so yeah, that’s a serious concern, but I don’t want you to worry. I’ve got your back. First I’m going share with you the biggest challenge that, if you’re like most parents, you may run into and how to overcome that, and then I’m also going to give you a special link where you can get access to 7 free tools that I want to give you today, to help you raise your own money smart kid.

So, what’s the biggest challenge that you’ll probably face when it comes to teaching your children about money?

Most likely, you’re child, especially if they are a teenage, will think money is a boring topic! Not to mention that well you, mom or dad, are clearly not an expert. Right? Kids always think we parents know nothing about anything! Come on admit, you felt that way about your parents too right? I admit it, I may have.

So how do we overcome this challenge? How do you make money interesting to learn about and make your child actually want to listen to you?

Make it Personal! When money is personally connected to your child, they open up their minds and allow you inside to help them learn. We have to get our kids to set personal goals, that require money to achieve, we need to open ourselves up to our kids, be vulnerable, so they see the good money choices we make as well as the bad, so they feel connected with us. Let their guard down so to speak.

Making it personal is a bigger topic than I have time to share with you today, but don’t worry, I will be posting a new video again very soon to help you with exactly that! I may even break it down into two videos so I can make sure I can give you the best lessons possible.

And those are some of the top reasons that other parents and myself feel it’s important to raise money smart kids. Let me know in the comments below what your reason is for wanting to teach your child about money and what challenge you would like help with so I can make more video lessons to help you with that.

So are you ready for some free gifts to help you teach your child or teen about money?

I’ve actually got 7 FREE gifts for you today! I’ve listed all your free gifts for you right here: https://cleverdoughkids.com/7freegifts Enjoy!

Oh and would you do me a quick favour?

If you enjoyed this video and the free gifts, will you please share this video with your friends and help me help even more parents raise money smart kids. Thank-you for helping.

Remember to go to Clever Dough Kids to get your free gifts and to learn even more about how to raise your own Clever Dough Kid. If you are serious about raising your own money smart kid then make sure to watch the rest of the videos in this series, the link to the most recent one is in the description below. And make sure to first hit the subscribe button and the notification bell here so you’ll know as soon as my next video lesson is ready for you.

Thank-you so much for watching, hope you found it helpful. I’ll see you very soon…

Cheers…Amanda van der Gulik…Excited Life Enthusiast! ;o)