There Are Lots of Money Making Ideas For Kids

There are lots of money making ideas for kids. 

No matter what age your kids are, they can earn their own money. Not real young kids, of course. Enjoy your precious children until at least the age of 6. After that, give them financial creativity and help them find ways to earn their own money.

You really can begin earlier than 6 years old. You can begin at 3 years old. Not to teach them how to earn money, but to understand what money is and watch it grow. You first need six clear jars, which you will label with six labels, creating six magical piggy banks. And then … but I digress. That’s a topic for another time. ;o)

Kids are natural sponges.

They absorb it all, both literally and figuratively. ;o) You can influence how your kids think about money, earn it, save it, invest it, and give it away. Yes, there are lots of money making ideas for kids, but where do you begin?

Sit down with your kids and find out what they are passionate about.

Focus on what they are good at. Through their passions, they can make money. Encourage a pride of ownership with this money that they have earned on their own.

Teach your kids to create income from something they like to do.

Encourage your kids to look inside themselves and after finding out what they are passionate about, tell them to charge money for offering that service or making that product.

There are plenty of money making ideas for kids. First, however, what are your kids goals? Perhaps your kids want to buy that special CD or DVD. Maybe go on vacation to Disney World or acquire first-hand knowledge about the oceans or stars. Their goals can be as many as they want.

Have them create a vision board.

Have them look through magazines and newspapers or print out pictures found on the internet (with your supervision, of course). Paste those images on a large paper. Add present positive phrases.

Money making ideas for kids will not be impossible to find with this vision board serving as a reminder as to why they are looking to earn their own money.

And don’t forget to hang this vision board so that they see it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Where can they hang it? In their bedroom over their desk or on the wall. In the bathroom by the mirror or in the kitchen on the refrigerator.

Re-evaluate their goals Help them keep on track.

Replace old goals with new ones or take out ones no longer wanted. With plenty of money making ideas for kids, their goals no matter what they are can be achieved.

Where are these money making ideas for kids? Here’s a FREE ebook “50 Money Making Ideas for Kids” where you will find lots of interesting and real ways that children, young and old, can run a business for profit.

Henry Ford said it best when he said: “Whether you think you can or that you can’t, you’re usually right.”

Remind your kids that making their own money gives them power and gives them choices.

Here’s to telling our children to go for their dreams and reach for the stars with lots of money making ideas for kids.

Cheers … Amanda van der Gulik … Excited Life Enthusiast! ;o)

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“Together we can raise kids and teens who are money savvy and get to follow their dreams because they know how to handle and value their money…and not come back crawling home to mom and dad to get them out of financial trouble!”

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